Fundraising Tips


How To Set Up an ALK Positive Fundraiser

ALK Positive is partnering with LUNGevity’s fundraising platform to crowdfund this November for Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Let’s get creative! Fundraisers of all kinds are successful including Celebrations, Athletics, In Memoriams, and DIY Events.  The ALK Positive Fundraising Team is here to help! Have Questions? Email us at for personalized coaching.

Fundraising Tips

Nervous About Fundraising?  You CAN do this! You are raising vital awareness for a cause bigger than any one of us: much needed and underfunded research on lung cancer and the fight for a cure! Don’t worry about how much you should raise: bringing awareness to lung cancer itself is one of our essential goals. In the words of Gina Hollenbeck, President of ALK Positive: “Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer!” And we’re educating folks of just that as we raise vital funds.

Who are your supporters? Consider who in your life you can ask to give: check your email addresses, text contacts, and good old paper address books and organize their contact information. Think broad and out of the box: family, friends, coworkers, folks in your church, and others in your wider community. People in your life want to see you succeed and to help raise funds for research!

Name Your Event Kick off your campaign with a fun title that will interest people in learning more.

The Ask: Craft Your Message Make it personal: tell your unique story. What were you feeling at diagnosis, what gives you hope, and what are your dreams for the future? Tell readers how donations will make a difference to fund important research. On your fundraising page, use bold and italic fonts and shorter rather than longer paragraphs so it’s easier to read. Add pictures to grab attention. Be sure to include a link to the ALK Positive website for donors who want to learn more.

Handwritten notes are a great way to make your first ask, follow up with personalized emails and prominently feature links to your ALK Positive campaign page. In your email subject line include your ALK Positive fundraiser name to generate interest. Tailor your ask emails to your different audiences. Post your fundraiser on all of your social media accounts and ask friends to share your campaign to further your reach.

Where Does the Money Go? Provide your donors information on the recent $1.6M in research awards!

Matched Donations & Incentives If you are able to match donations, it will help your success!  Studies show 84% of people are more likely to donate if their money is being matched. One in three donors indicates they would make a larger contribution because their money is being matched! (  If you are not able to make a match, consider providing fun incentives based on donation size by offering your talent (i.e., a virtual painting, knitting or guitar class, creating a resume, homemade cookies, get creative!)

Donation Methods Gifts made directly on your fundraiser page can be made by credit card or PayPal.

Gifts made by check eliminate credit card processing fees.  We recommend donations $5,000 or more be made via check or wire transfer. This will significantly increase the amount going to research, by reducing fees.

Make check payable to: “ALK Positive/LUNGevity Research Fund” note "ALK Positive Research – your name" in the memo line...
Mail to: LUNGevity Foundation, PO Box 754 Chicago, IL 60690 USA (note this is a new address)

Thank You   All donors no matter how large or small appreciate a thank you! Handwritten notes and calls are great for large donors, a thank you email may be a better use of your time for smaller donations. But always personalize your note!

More Inspiration!   Click here for inspiring examples from your fellow ALK Positive Fundraisers

AUTHOR: Maureen Boutin

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